Monday, August 17, 2009

Google Adsense

That is what is Adsense? Well, to make it easier to understand you, please read carefully following my story.

I want to convey the news that most brisk, that Google Adsense Business That is terrible, I give you the additional $ 0.1, $ 20 to $ 9,999,999 ... even without limit, without much capital or with a lot of capital, also lists them for free, not difficult but not also very easy, abg children can play, but many parents who do not at all. If you? surely you can!.

Bad news, if you do not have the mental tremendous business then you will only get $ 1 or under $ 90, even money can not be dead ahead. Guaranteed, has been, thousands of people cured main adsense.

Although it lists them for free, there are many people out in the end very much money to really get a big profit. And there is still a risk can not be, or even if you can but not as much as the diimpikan.

Adsense Business is business betulan. Like business in general, then that can happen on the business adsense you have 3 possibilities: First adsense be extraordinary success, the second: I also busted and stress, third: also can be a normal-normal relaxed way just what the target without much without a lot of the burden without worry. You select which?

Ok, another time I will write how the story so I can (as I write above).

Now we will be directly in the story, what is adsense, how does it work and why we can earn money from Google Adsense this.

Is Adsense?

Adsense is a business owned by a company called Google. You certainly have a Google is not it?. Google is a world-class company that is very rich, website, can also already from this first tekenal as a website where people look for something in this. almost all of the information in this world can be searched on Google. Because people have a lot of people find something in there, the more people who also entered the information to them in the hope that Google will be met by those who seek. So Google is a search website search.

If you find information on google, I just go to the website and type in what you are looking for, of course, if a search is free. Meanwhile, to enter your property information on the Google is to pay, there is also free. Even without our even enter, the information that we have been writing on the website we can go to your own google Google because it has a robot to automatically search for any website in the world and to gather information stored on the Google website itself.

Google's increasingly popular, more and more people want to put the information in there, or advertise himself there in order to meet (and if that conduct business) so the Google website as website advertising, free advertising and can remain formidable (if you whiz SEO), also can be paid a special position to show more often (even though you do not take SEO). What is SEO? please read in SEO Search Engine Optimization. More broadly, we can program as a marketing, in this case is marketing through the Internet, and the term is kerennya internet marketing.

However, if the information that Google only managed tersentral in the website is still very limited and the means to search for information that has been signed in to Google to be the Google website. That was less than brilliant. The more people who pitch their ads to Google and pay of course. That makes Google the rich and big, from their advertising program. At this level Google is still working alone. Limited resources that they have it.

Google understand the time factors that can accelerate the business spread all over the world to use the website for others, time and labor of others, then Google does not want to work alone again. Google wanted to, even if someone does not visit the website even though they can still receive the information that came from their website. Finally, create a Google ad network to millions around the world use the website to show other people or display the information Google ad business customers (customers who pay).

From customers who pay this is one of Google can be money, customers who pay is called the advertiser, this customer to enter their ads to google through a program called Google Adwords.

Meanwhile, the people who provide some space on the website to display google ads customers who pay before, called the publisher or PUBLISHER. Publisher, of course, this get paid from Google, because Google helps publisher to show their ads earlier. You have the picture now? Yes, the Google program that allows us to have a website to work with Google to show their ads and this is called Google Adsense which is now very popular. It's your picture more clearly now:)

Try to re-read your paragraph 2 above to distinguish clearly what is and what it is to Advertiser Publisher.

= Advertiser to pay Google, because their advertising.
Publisher = paid Google, because it helps to show google ads.

The program's name:
Google Adwords = to serve ads on google.
Google Adsense = google ads to show.

If you already understand the difference between true, please continue reading. If you do not understand the difference please repeat it again. This is very important to understanding your mantabbb!.

Ok, we proceed.

How do I work?

To make it easier, we call it the google ads that show before (Publisher) is YOU. Meanwhile, advertisers (Advertiser) are millions of people in this world. Okay?

Google ads in order to appear in your website, then you must apply first to Google to participate in the Google AdSense program. Later you can akan adsense code (Adsense Code) to be put on your website. Adsense Code, this is not advertising, but only the program code. Once placed on your website and Adsense Code earlier this ad will take the contents automatically to match the theme of your website. Ads that have been taken earlier (in-load) will then appear as ads on your Website.

If the topic of your website on Tahitian Noni Juice, the ads that appear are about Tahitian Noni Juice. Later we will discuss why the case. You need to imagine now that Google ads will be in accordance with the content of the website, so-called Targeted ads (ads that are targeted).

Millions of people inserting their ads through Google Adwords program. Then in the Website that you have installed the code adsense ads will appear as the example image above. Every time Google ads that appear on the website on your website earlier in the click-then you are paid by Google. Google's paid what? ya by millions of advertisers whose ads were clicked before. For example: when clicked then the Advertiser pay Rp1000, Google ngambil Rp500, and Rp500 you paid (this is just an example).

Advertisers pay for advertising costs. As in the newspaper or on TV, people just pay the ad even though not necessarily what they are advertising behavior, so as to pay the cost of the ad. Google receive money, you get a commission that membantupun. Cooperation in business with the mutually beneficial.

People like you have a website (I assume before you as the Google Adsense) number of millions or perhaps hundreds of people in this world also. Ads that are placed by the Google Adwords advertiser also appear earlier in the millions of websites, such as your own. Program advertising or marketing, or marketing such as this to be a world class business which is very large. And because it is done through the Internet as a business called The Great Internet Marketing: Internet Marketing Adsense Business!

Now you understand the concept, that Google Adsense Internet Marketing Business is a tremendous. You also have understood why the concept can be Adsense money, where money can be, why and who is paid to pay.

With the Google AdSense program you can earn additional memperolah very large. With the advertising program through Google's Adwords advertising then you can immediately spread to all over the world. If what you offer on Google Adwords is a tremendous business that the results can be a business in demand that the terrible behavior.

Ok, this one in the article we focus on only one meaning, namely as Adsense Business Internet Marketing.

On how to register Adsense, What can be done so that the money, how to stream your Adsense more money, how to Adsense so that you can run like automatic, and so you can see the title of the other.

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